[DKSF 70.3] Page LOG web interface


A page represents Logfile of a device operation. In the Logfile events of a device are captured in a chronological order.

All notifications of Logfile are duplicated through a Syslog protocol if IP addresses of Syslog clients are set in parameters.

Because of the fact that a device does not have a built-in nonvolatile clock, the first time tag in Logfile is 01.01.70 Mon 00:00: 00.UTC. If an IP address of the NTP server is specified in settings, a device will try to get an exact time and in case of success a device will synchronize its internal clock with the exact time. After time synchronization, two logs appear in Logfile, which represent a time lap while setting a clock to the exact time. If the exact time, received during synchronization with an NTP server, is different from internal clock time for less than 5 minutes, the clock is not reset. The pace of the internal clock is changed to become equal with the exact time received from the NTP server. Thanks to it, there is no time lap in events list in Logfile, which makes its analysis easier. Events logged by Logfile are represented below.

General Events

Getting Started (reboot) is written into Logfile when turning on a device


...clock is written into Logfile if a time, received from NTP, is more than 5 minutes different from time on internal clock of a device. A message is represented in two lines. The first line has a time tag before resetting an internal clock, and the second one is written right after the reset.

Events from Temperature Sensors

Temperature chan. N "XXXX": normal YYC is written into Logfile if a mode of SNMP TRAP notifications sending is set and a temperature on a temperature sensor is within margins set by a user. N is a number of a temperature sensor. XXXX is a description of a temperature sensor, specified by a user on a page of a web interface. YY is a current temperature on a temperature sensor.

Temperature chan. N "XXXX": above normal YYC is written into Logfile if a mode of SNMP TRAP notifications sending is set and a temperature on a temperature sensor is above an upper margin set by a user. N is a number of a temperature sensor. XXXX is a description of a temperature sensor, specified by a user on a page of a web interface. YY is a current temperature on a temperature sensor.

Temperature chan. N "XXXX": below normal YYC is written into Logfile if a mode of SNMP TRAP notifications sending is set and a temperature on a temperature sensor is below a lower margin set by a user. N is a number of a temperature sensor. XXXX is a description of a temperature sensor, specified by a user on a page of a web interface. YY is a current temperature on a temperature sensor.

Temperature chan. N "XXXX": failure is written into Logfile if a mode of SNMP TRAP notifications sending is set and a temperature sensor does not respond (is not connected). N is a number of a temperature sensor. XXXX is a description of a temperature sensor, specified by a user on a page of a web interface. When a sensor operation is restored, a notification about a temperature range status is sent (see above).

Events from IO Lines

Input/output: line N "XXXX": 0->1 is written into Logfile if a mode of SNMP TRAP notifications sending from IO lines is set and an IO line switched from a status «0» to a status «1». N – is a number of an IO line. XXXX – is a description of an IO line, specified by a user on a page of a web interface.

Input/output: line N "XXXX": 1->0 is written into Logfile if a mode of SNMP TRAP notifications sending from IO lines is set and an IO line switched from a status «1» to a status «0». N – is a number of an IO line. XXXX – is a description of an IO line, specified by a user on a page of a web interface.

"Watchdog" Events

Watchdog: failed chan. N "XXXX". A (IPAYYYY, B (IPBYYYY, C (IPCYYYY – is written into Logfile when Watchdog is triggered. N – is a number of a power supply management channel. XXXX – is a description of a power supply management channel, specified by a user on a web interface page. IPA, IPB, IPC – IP addresses specified in settings of “Watchdog” substitute here. YYYY – is a status of corresponding requested IP address. The following statuses are possible: responds, silent, ignored.

Watchdog: chan. N "XXXX". A limit of sequential reboots is reached (Y). Reboots are stopped.

– is written into Logfile if a limit of sequential reboots of a connected device is reached in a “Watchdog” operation mode. N – is a number of a power supply channel. XXXX – is a description of a power supply channel, specified by a user on a web interface page. Y – is a number of fulfilled sequential reboots of a connected device.

Watchdog: failure chan. N "XXXX". A response received. Reboots have been finished.

Syslog Support

All notifications in “Logfile” are duplicated by sending notifications through a Syslog protocol, if addresses of Syslog servers are specified on a web interface page of device settings.

A Syslog-server is convenient to use for a centralized gathering of events that happened on numerous devices and computers, which operate in a network, particularly about events on Netping devices.