[ENG] [2PWR,v2SMS] Where to Get a Document with a Firmware Description?

Configuration and operation order with control interfaces of a device are provided in the document «Firmware Description». A documentation is updated according to the changes that are added to firmware. 

To find an actual version of «Firmware Description» on a manufacturer's web site, there is a need to:

  1. Go to the page of a description of a chosen device:
  2. Go to the section «Documentation and Files»:

    Documentation for a NetPing device

  3. Go to the link «DKSF 202.9 IU firmware description»:

Documentation for a NetPing device


A version of a «Firmware description» document must correspond with the firmware version of your device, i.e. the first two digits in the name of the firmware description document must be the same as the first two digits in the firmware version of your device.