[ENG] 3.11. [DKSF 54.2 IU] How to Update Firmware at a Device?

There is a need to do the following to update an embedded firmware version:

  1. Download an up-to-date firmware from the official website of the company (section «Downloads»): http://www.netpingdevice.com.
  2. Go to the page «Firmware» of a device web interface. You can easily update the firmware of a device from this page without using any specific software. To do that, you will need a browser supporting HTML 5 API. Google Chrome or Internet Explorer of the 9th version and higher are recommended;

  3. Drag a firmware file to the indicated page area;
  4. Wait until a firmware file is copied to a device
  5. Click the button «Update Firmware»

Wait for the message on a successful operation completion:

Retry if an updating process was interrupted. A web interface (pages «Home», «Setup», «Firmware») will be available even if the firmware was not successfully updated.

Certain system settings may be changed after updating. Do not forget to check the most important operation parameters.