[ENG] 9.7. [DKSF 54.2 IU] What SMS Notifications a Device Can Send?

A maximum length of SMS notifications cannot exceed 70 Latin and 70 Cyrillic characters (encoding UTF-8).

Syntax of SMS Notifications

SMS notifications look like the following:

np_name (q) information 


np_name – is a name of a device for identification of SMS notifications up to 30 Latin characters. It is specified at the page «SETUP» of a device web interface. If a name of a device is not set, then the name NETPING is used

 is a consequent number of a notification. The number is nonvolatile, which means it is not cleared when a power supply is switched off. It works for registering missed (lost) notifications

Information  is an informational part of SMS notifications

Informational Part of SMS Notifications

A notification about a failure of a temperature sensor (a sensor stopped responding when polling):



j – is a number of a temperature sensor, 1..8

label – is a label of a temperature sensor, which is set in the fields «Memo» at the page «TEMPERATURE» of a device web interface. A label in a text of a notification is quoted. If a label is not set (empty), it is not included into SMS


A notification about temperature values coming back to the thresholds of a specified range of safe temperatures:

TEMP.SENSOR "label" IN RANGE (t1 TO t2C), NOW tC


j – is a number of a temperature sensor, 1..8

t – is a current temperature, °C

t1, t2 – are thresholds of a «safe range» for a temperature, °C

label – is a label of a temperature sensor, which is set in the fields «Memo» at the page «TEMPERATURE» of a device web interface. A label is quoted in a text of a notification. If a label is not set (empty), then it is not included into SMS


A notification about temperature values exceeding a specified range of safe temperatures:



j – is a number of a temperature sensor, 1..8

t – is a current temperature, °C

t1, t2 – are thresholds of a «safe range» of a temperature, °C

label – is a label of a temperature sensor, which is set in the fields «Memo» at the page «TEMPERATURE» of a device web interface. A label is quoted in a text of a notification. If a label is not set (empty), then it is not included into SMS


A notification about temperature values falling below a specified range of safe temperatures:



j – is a number of a temperature sensor, 1..8

t – is a current temperature, °C

t1, t2 – are thresholds of a «safe range» of a temperature, °C

label – is a label of a temperature sensor, which is set in the fields «Memo» at the page «TEMPERATURE» of a device web interface. A label is quoted in a text of a notification. If a label is not set (empty), then it is not included into SMS


A notification about a failure (a sensor stopped responding during polling):

RHj "label" FAILED


j – is a number of a humidity sensor, 1..4

label – is a label of a humidity sensor, which is set in the fields «Memo» at the page «HUMIDITY» of a device web interface. A label in a text of a notification is quoted. If a label is not set (empty), then it is not included into SMS


A notification about appearing/connecting a humidity sensor (a sensor started responding when polling):

RHj "label" is OK, h% Hstatus, tC Tstatus


j – is a number of a humidity sensor, 1..4

– is a relative humidity, %

t – is a current temperature, °C

Hstatus – is a humidity status. Its possible values are «below normal», «normal», «above normal»

Tstatus – is a temperature status. Its possible values are «below normal», «normal», «above normal»

label – is a label of a humidity sensor, which is set in the fields «Memo» at the page «HUMIDITY» of a device web interface. A label is quoted in a text of a notification. If a label is not set (empty), then it is not included into SMS


A notification about the values of a relative humidity and temperature coming back to the thresholds of a specified range:

RHj "label" h% (normal h1..h2%)

RHj "label" tC (normal t1..t2C)


j – is a number of a humidity sensor, 1..4

– is a relative humidity, %

t – is a current temperature, °C

h1, h2 – are the thresholds of a «safe range» of a relative humidity, %

t1, t2 – are the thresholds of a «safe range» of a temperature, °C

label – is a label of a humidity sensor, which is set in the fields «Memo» at the page «HUMIDITY» of a device web interface. A label is quoted in a text of a notification. If a label is not set (empty), then it is not included into SMS


A notification about values of a relative humidity and temperature exceeding a specified range:

RHj "label" h% (above normal h1..h2%)

RHj "label" tC (above normal t1..t2C)


j – is a number of a humidity sensor, 1..4

– is a relative humidity, %

t – is a current temperature, °C

h1, h2 – are the thresholds of a «safe range» of a relative humidity, %

t1, t2 – are the thresholds of a «safe range» of a temperature, °C

label – is a label of a humidity sensor, which is set in the fields «Memo» at the page «HUMIDITY» of a device web interface. A label is quoted in a text of a notification. If a label is not set (empty), then it is not included into SMS


A notification about values of a relative humidity and temperature falling below a specified range:

RHj "label" h% (below normal h1..h2%)

RHj "label" tC (below normal t1..t2C)


j – is a number of a humidity sensor, 1..4

– is a relative humidity, %

t – is a current temperature, °C

h1, h2 – are the thresholds of a «safe range» of a relative humidity, %

t1, t2 – are the thresholds of a «safe range» of a temperature, °C

label – is a label of a humidity sensor, which is set in the fields «Memo» at the page «HUMIDITY» of a device web interface. A label is quoted in a text of a notification. If a label is not specified (empty), then it is not included into SMS


A notification about triggering of the module «Watchdog» (a socket is switched off for short time to restore the operation of a device connected to it):

WDOG n "label" RESET


n – is a relay number, 1..2.

label – is a relay label, which is set in the field «Memo» at the page «AC Quality» of a device web interface. A label is quoted in a text of a notification. If a label is not set (empty), then it is not included into SMS


A notification about restoring and losing a connection with a specified IP address (the module «PINGER»):



IP/HOST – is an address of a checked IP address/host


A notification about a device switching from a battery to a backup power:



A notification about a device switching to the main power source from 220V electrical grid:



A notification about a low battery charge:


Periodic SMS Reports about a Status of Sensors, IO Lines and Relays

A feature of sending a daily report in the form of SMS notifications about a status of sensors, IO lines and relays is implemented in a device. You are welcome to read more detailed information about configuring this report in the section «[ENG] 9.9. [DKSF 54.2 IU] Configuring Time of Sending a Daily Report about a Status of Sensorsand IO Lines in SMS Notifications».