[ENG] 1. [DKSF 70/71.6 IU] Introduction

About what is this document?

This document describes a functionality of the firmware DKSF 70/71.6.X for devicesUniPing Server Solution v3/SMSUniPing Server Solution v3.

Devices UniPing Server Solution v3/SMSUniPing Server Solution v3 with the firmware of DKSF 70/71.6.X version support the next management interfaces:

A description of settings and operation order with these management interfaces are given in this document.

A description of physical characteristics of a device, its indication, and controls, a connection order of a device and external sensors are given in a user guide for devices UniPing Server Solution v3/SMSUniPing Server Solution v3.

A user guide can be studied via the link: Uniping server solution v3/SMS & Uniping server solution v3, User guide.

The information, contained in this document, can be changed by a manufacturer without a prior notice. Although every effort was made to make the information in this document accurate and without errors, a manufacturer is not liable for their possible presence and for the consequences that may result from the errors herein. A manufacturer is not liable if supplied equipment, software and this user guide does not correspond to expectations of a user and his/her opinion about where and how to use all the above. All copyrights on supplied devices, described in this User Guide, as well as firmware and software of devices and this User Guide belong to NetPing global Ltd. Сopying, replication and translation of this user guide to other languages are not allowed without a prior written permission of a rightholder. Copying, replication, changing, disassembling of provided software are not allowed without a prior written permission of a rightholder. For the part of software that is provided in source codes, there is a separate license agreement, which defines an order of its use and modification. Other trademarks used in this description belong to corresponding rightholders.

Developer and manufacturer: 

NetPing east Co Ltd.