[ENG] 3.7. [DKSF 253.6 IU] How to Set the Clock?

To configure synchronization with external NTP servers, there is a need to go to the page «SETUP» of a device web interface.

This group of settings allows setting addresses of NTP servers (servers of a precise time) to a device, according to which a device will set and adjust its internal clock. It is possible to set up to two NTP servers in total. If the first NTP server is unavailable, a device will try to synchronize time using the second NTP server. A correctness of setting can be checked by generating an event of a time synchronization and browsing this event in a log of a device at the page «LOG».

In the section «NTP SETUP» it is possible to configure:

NTP server 1  is a field for browsing or changing an address of the first NTP server. It is acceptable to indicate an IP address or a domain name. An empty field disables the function of time synchronization. On default: ntp.netping.ru

NTP server 2  is a field for browsing or changing an address of the second NTP server. It is acceptable to indicate an IP address or a domain name. An empty field disables the function of time synchronization. On default: address is not specified

Timezone  is a field for browsing or changing a local timezone. A whole positive or a negative number of hours shift from UTC. On default: 3

Daylight Saving Time (DST)  is a checkbox for setting a daylight saving time in a manual mode. When a checkbox is checked, the internal clock of a device is shifted one hour ahead. On default: checkbox is not checked

As NTP servers you can use NTP servers, which are freely available on the Internet, for example, from http://www.pool.ntp.org/en/, particularly:

To use NTP servers from the Internet, a device must have a properly configured gateway, and an access to the Internet via NTP protocol.

After setting all necessary parameters, click the button «Apply changes».