[ENG] 6.2. [DKSF 253.6 IU] Configuring Sending SNMP TRAP Notifications

To access a device via an SNMP v1 protocol, there is a need to configure the next parameters using a device web interface:

  • SNMP Community for Read – is a password, which needs to be indicated at any request for reading parameters via an SNMP protocol. It is specified in the section «Access Resrtictions» at the page «SETUP» of a device web interface;
  • SNMP Community for Write – is a password, which needs to be indicated at any request for recording parameters via an SNMP protocol. It is specified in the section «Access Restrictions» at the page «SETUP» of a device web interface

There is a need to configure the next parameters through a device web interface for a device to send TRAP notifications via SNMP v1 protocol:

  • SNMP Trap Destination #1 – is an IP address, where TRAP notifications will be sent. It is specified at the page «SETUP» of a device web interface;
  • SNMP Trap Destination #2 – is the second (auxiliary) IP address, where TRAP notifications will be sent. It is specified at the page «SETUP» of a device web interface;
  • Logic 0 to 1 – is a checkbox that allows sending SNMP TRAP notifications when a logic level at an IO line in the mode «input», «output», «logic output» is changed from low to high (signal front). It is configured by the button «Setup» at the page «DISCRETE I/O» of a device web interface;
  • Logic 1 to 0 – is a checkbox that allows sending SNMP TRAP notifications when a logic level at an IO line in the mode «input», «output», «logic output» is changed from high to low (signal drop). It is configured by the button «Setup» at the page «DISCRETE I/O» of a device web interface;