[DKSF 707.1] Page SMS web interface

In the SMS menu it is possible to configure different actions of a GSM module to react to various events.


A phone number for sending SMS - phone numbers are indicated, where SMS will be sent. It is indicated in the format Country code - Operator's code - Local number.

USSD command to request a balance - a code, where an USSD command will be sent to request a balance.

Write an exchange with GSM modem into a logfile - on the page "Logfile" the information about all АТ commands will be represented, which are exchanged between CPU and a GSM-modem.


GSM network registration - a cell network registration status is specified.

GSM signal level - a signal status is indicated.


A response to the balance request - amount of funds on the account is indicated. It works out of a USSD command sending.

In the section "Pinger" it is possible to configure an address to check an availability of a host by IP address (Network test address) and a polling period (Polling period, s (30-9999)). If unavailable, an SMS message will be sent to the phone numbers indicated above.

In the section "Events for sending an SMS notification" it is possible to configure sending SMS notifications to the numbers in case of the following events: turning off/turning on a link of an Ethernet interface; watchdog triggering, turning on/turning off a relay; losing/restoring a connection with an indicated IP (pinger); rising/falling of a logic level on a line IO 1..4; changing a temperature sensor status 1..8.

In the section "Daily sending of a status of sensors and IO" it is possible to configure a time of sending statuses for all sensors, connected to equipment over cellphone numbers. Time is adjusted in the format HH.MM


In the section "Modem Reboot" the last error of a modem in indicated. Also there is a button "Restart GSM", which performs module reloading.

SMS Messages

A device can receive SMS commands and send responses to them. A response is sent to the phone number, from which the command was received.

A device can send various SMS notifications when coming of different events. Notifications are sent the phone numbers, specified on the SMS page.

SMS Command Format

A request for an SNMP variable value (SNMP GET query):

np snmp variable? password

Setting up an SNMP variable (SNMP SET) command:

np snmp variable=value password

np snmp                              Command prefix.

variable                                Short name of an SNMP variable, set on the MIB web page.

There must be no spaces between a variable and a character ? as well as no spaces around a character =.


value                                    A value to write into an SNMP variable. Only whole numbers are supported. It is allowed to indicate a textual value from a dictionary.

password                            Community parameter value from the web page Settings.


A text of a command is not case-sensitive, so it is possible to use both lowercase and uppercase Latin letters.

Elements of a command are separated by spaces. It is not allowed to use the characters ‘ (an apostrophe), “ (a quote),  @, _ (an underscore). Including these characters can cause firmware failure. Fulfilling a command is confirmed by a response mesage (see below).

SMS Response Format

A response to requesting an SNMP variable value:

NP SNMP REPLY variable=value

A response to an operation of writing an SNMP variable:

NP SNMP DONE variable=value

variable                                Short name of an SNMP variable set on the MIB page.

value                                    SNMP variable value, and its dictionary tanscript (if applicable).


Examples of response messages:

NP SNMP DONE heater=off(0)


SMS Messages about an Error

NP SNMP ERR Wrong password, access denied

A field password in the SMS command does not correspond to the value Community writes on the page Settings.

A password is checked taking into account a case.

NP SNMP ERR Unknown variable '<variable>'

<variable> is missing in the table of SNMP variables on the MIB page.

NP SNMP ERR Unknown agent '<хост>' for var '<variable>'

A variable is sent to the host, which is missing in the table of hosts (agents).

NP SNMP ERR DNS failed for '<fqdn>'

A device was not able to get an IP address of an Agent by its domain name.

Receiving ip was not completed, it is impossible or a DNS server does not know such host.

A procedure of defining an ip address for a domain name starts when saving any changes in the table of hosts (agents). I.e. ip are defined beforehand for all hosts that are added into the table of hosts and are saved “in store”. Repeated request is performed when a record of a lifetime is over in a DNS cache.

NP SNMP ERR No reply for '<variable>' from '<fqdn_or_ip>'

No answer from <fqdn_or_ip> after three attempts to perform an SNMP operation. Timeout of an SNMP operation performing is 2 seconds.

NP SNMP ERR Reply '<snmp error>’ for ‘<initial operation>’

A field <snmp error> is set on a basis of an error code from SNMP reply PDU and can have the following appearance:

  • Too big data – too big request, resources are not enough to process it;
  • No such OID – an agent has no such OID;
  • Bad value – a vaule cannot be written into OID. Its type or size do not correspond;
  • Read only – An agent refused to write;
  • Unknown error – Other errors.

For example:

NP SNMP ERR Reply ‘Rad only’ for ‘temp4=25’

NP SNMP ERR Non-integer value returned for ‘<variable>’

An error appears when there is an attempt to read a non-interger value. As for now it is possible to read integer variables only.

<variable> - is a short name of a variable that is indicated in an SMS command.

NP SNMP ERR Bad value '<value>' in sms

<value> - indicated as an SMS command variable=value cannot be interpreted as a whole number and it did not work out to find a correspondence to the value in a dictionary for a variable, if a text value was specified

Named values (dictionary) are specified in a table of variables.

A dictionary example: flip(-1), off(0), on(1), unknown(255)

SMS Notifications



Messages about changing a status of the own device Ethernet interface.



A message about losing and restoring a connection with a specified IP address (see “Pinger”)